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 Basic Symptoms of Hoarding:

·         Saving random items that are seen as trash or unneeded

·         Obsessively buying and saving mass amounts of an item(s)

·         Treats all items with the same value, i.e. Everything that the person owns is too important to get rid of

·         Housekeeping is nonexistent due to massive clutter.

·         Limited or absent social interactions.

·         Newspapers, mail, magazines, and other items are stacked high throughout the living area.

·         Long-term neglect of home maintenance


Symptoms of a compulsive hoarder

·         Non-working utilities, such as heat, running water, sewer, refrigeration.

·         Not being able to use furniture, rooms, or entire homes/ apartments due to the saved items.

·         Moving items from one pile to another, without ever throwing anything away or putting the items away.

·         Tunnels or tight walk ways are made to navigate through the collection

·         Human and/or animal waste

·         Extreme collection and storage of items in the home and in the yard

·         Rodent/ insect problem